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Teachers & Health Professionals

How can I get help right now?

Free phone 0508 4 SPARX (0508 477 279) or free text 3110.

Call 111 if someone you know might be unsafe right now.

See Get Help Now for other options.

Someone can also have no energy and feel bad for other reasons – like if they’re sick or have other health issues (such as being low in iron). Make sure to check this out with a healthcare professional. For more information, head to The Lowdown.

What happens after SPARX?

If SPARX has helped them, keep up the good work and positive vibes by helping them practise their new skills in real life, every day. Or, if they feel confident enough, ask them to share what they’ve learnt, or simply remind them to stay on top of their skills regularly.

If they’ve completed all levels and they’re still not feeling better, that’s okay! It just means their situation needs some personal time and attention. Talk to them about potentially getting some professional or medical help.

Are there downsides to e-therapy?

While some worry that using a phone or computer programme might mean that young people are less likely to approach others and reach out for help, it’s actually quite the opposite! Computer programmes can help people learn how to ask for help and how to fully express their thoughts and feelings when the time’s right.

How do I support someone using SPARX?

There are many ways to help – it all starts by simply making yourself available and willing to listen. It’s also very important that they know you want to help them, and you’re willing to support them.

First, ask them what support they would like.
You could offer to:

  • Sign up for SPARX yourself so you can try it out and see how it works
  • Do SPARX alongside the person
  • Help them practise skills from SPARX
  • Help them deal with issues that are bothering them
  • Help them do some fun or positive things each day
  • Help them talk to a doctor, school health nurse, or counsellor

If you’re worried that someone who is using SPARX is not getting better head to our Get Help Now page for more resources. 

Remember: SPARX is not a crisis intervention and it’s not enough if someone is suicidal.

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